Thursday, July 08, 2004


In which the author resumes his work on one of his personal projects.

After a brief period of discontinuation with my progress on S2, I resumed my progress today with the creation of my main character. I know it may sound absurd but it took me close to a year to really settle on the character’s name. Although the name crept up a few times during the character development process, I wasn’t too eager to commit to that name. I was scared of the repercussions that I might face in the future.

S2 will mark my first grand entry in the world of science fiction. Back in my yesteryears, I considered writing a science fiction story but self doubt and the chance of me being ridiculed by others proved too much for me. But today I am a different person, one who has come to believe in my own abilities.

Needless to say I wanted to write a science fiction story that is based on the coming realities. Although the final piece could be exaggerated to an extent, I want to write a piece that would capture the feeling of my characters.

I want you as the audience to believe that these characters were alive in my world and that they choose to do things not because they wanted to but because they had to. To many it could sound like a sci-fi melodrama. But in real essence it’s a story about Humanity.

I will not lie to you; I actually used my polytechnic assignments to my advantage. I wrote stories and purposely made character flaws so as to observe them on how they were reacting to the world around them.

The one project that has changed my outlook on characterization was my favorite video project entitled Bliss of Ignorance. I had the time of my life doing this project but more importantly I learned the true meaning of characterization. Making mistakes have allowed me to express my freedom and also appreciate the reason of getting things right. With my experimentation over, I am now confident to start serious development on S2.

Although S2 Neo Genesis has long way to go before it unprecedented completion but with no datelines and no eager fanatics to satisfy, I have the luxury of my letting my story mature and grow as I see fit.

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