The Amazing Spiderman and Friends
In which the author watches Spiderman with his friends.
I met my friends at Plaza Singapura to watch Spider-man 2. This was my second time watching it within a span of seven days.
Stan “The Man” Lee’s Spider-man has always been one of my favorite superheroes. His wise cracking jokes, his personal demons, his loner attitude and the dilemma of doing the right thing versus his personal dreams have captured my imagination. I remember hearing from Stan lee in an interview years ago that Spider-man was the superhero you might become.
Growing up as an Indian has had its fundamental flaws. My parents would never give me money to buy any comics. They said why waste money for a comic that you would read only once. They also said I needed to save money for something important.
But these things hold a kind of aura towards me; I still have my Atari 2600 in working condition since 1989. These are things that remind me of who I was and the times I have enjoyed myself. I also still keep my favorite sticker book collections and many memorabilia throughout my school years. Call me a sentimental fool but these are the things that made me appreciate the reason of me being here today.
So how did I grow to love Spider-man? My Spider-man admiration came from my only free source, the cartoon series. But in Singapore, they would never put the whole series in full. After a while, Spider-man simply disappeared. The kept replaying the old episodes and new Spider-man series throughout different periods of the 90s. But whenever I got to see Spider-man, I was captivated by his amazing abilities, and maybe unknowing realized that this was a character many people can related to.
Back to the Spider-man movie outing. After having lunch, Latiff and I met Jin Jian. We were waiting for Michelle (My best friend).
I have stated that I have interests in woman especially charismatic ones. To speak of her gives me great pleasure. She had a goof game oops I meant to say a golf game in Malaysia earlier in the day and was caught in traffic at the Woodlands checkpoint.
How many girls do you know, actually know how to play golf? That’s determination for you. In all my years spent in school I never knew a single person who knew the rules of golf or took the time to explain the rules to me. I still remember the day she explained the rules of golf during a poly presentation. Since then I have come to enjoy watching golf on television.
With 15 minutes into the show she arrived and sat beside me. She said I looked different. Kinda spooky, cause after an hour into the movie Mary Jane said the exact same thing to Peter Parker. What are the odds of that?
After the show as I was checking my pocket to see if I had left anything behind. Michelle come up and handed me my handphone. I was relived and thanked her. My handphone isn’t the latest model but it does hurt when you lose something that was in your care for so long.
Later my friends and I sat down and had a nice chat. This would very well be our last chance to have a nice conversation as everyone is gearing up for the next phase in their lives. It truly was an enjoyable evening for me; I only hope that I get more opportunities to spend time with my wonderful friends.
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