Thursday, July 01, 2004

Our Freedom

Can we truly exercise Freedom?

As long as man has been conscious of his environment he has strived to be free. Yet everyone still lives with less freedom than it is possible. Individuals today have to sacrifice some of their freedom in order to live in a democratic society. Sacrifices such as not to violate laws and disobey moral principles.

Even if someone was to live in a so called free society, their freedom is limited by the need to earn a living, which subjects him or her to spend time in a dictatorship environment if they work for an employer, or the slavery of being tied to operating their own business.

Since humans consist of both physical and mental state the way to achieve true freedom is to find technologies and methods that fully satisfy both states of human existence.

Knowledge is the key to having such technologies and methods. With the right new knowledge Humanity can solve any problem and achieve any desired result. Eventually, robots, computers, and machines will be developed to the point where they can perform all the work that needs to be done, which will free humans from the binding chains of earning a living, and thereby allow humans true freedom to pursue happiness and fulfillment.

This unlimited production capability and technological advancement will enable Humanity to have infinite provision for all tangible needs and wants for existence, and thereby allow each individual to live in an environment that suits whatever physical needs and desires that individual has.

Through genetic engineering, chemical manipulation, and/or some other method, Humanity will achieve the ability to provide for all mental needs and desires. Humans will discover how to access and unleash the full capabilities and power of the brain, and thereby reach levels of intelligence and thought that takes the essence of being to an unimaginably complete state of existence.

Humanity will be able to achieve control of the brain so one can elect to have any feeling or emotion desired such as a perpetual state of happiness, or one could elect to avoid any feeling or emotion and experience pure thought. Each individual will have the capability to completely control their thoughts, and thereby be the god of their own universe.

True freedom is the ability for each person to live as they desire. This is the ultimate human dream, and therefore should be Humanity's consummate goal.

But even if we were to attain true freedom, one has to take into account of protecting these freedoms from others. No one would be tolerant if they are not able to express themselves the way they want to be expressed. So in the end, if we cannot change our outlook on freedom then we must eventually change ourselves to accept a new kind of freedom. One that is tolerant of other people’s freedom.

But in some way if man was able to attain the true freedom the way he as envisioned it, what more can man achieve? This brings upon the very question on our existence. Why do we bother existing when we have the ability do anything? Think about it.

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