Is It Wrong to Have a Dream?
This is the question that is lingering on my mind as I am nearing my completion of my national servitude. Everybody I speak to these days seem to say things I have grown weary of hearing. I am told to study for a job that will guarantee me a stable income so that I can provide my family with money.
I am told to accept what life offers me and learn to live within my own limits. I am told to stop chasing after my dreams and wake up to face the reality of the real world. A world where money presides over passion and fear of unemployment motivates hard work.
So am I really delusional to think that everyone in this world stands a chance to achieve his or her dreams? Or perhaps it’s just a lie said so that we don’t commit suicide knowing that the world is indeed fucked up and we are meant to a occupy jobs other people want filled.
Is it possible only a selected few are actually meant to achieve their dreams while the rest of us envy them and succumb to harsh realities of life?
Is it wrong to follow our own methods to achieve our dreams?
Is it even wrong to speak about our dreams when all we can see is the horizon and nothing beyond it?
What is a dream? Is an ambition? Is it to become someone we want or is it to become someone we want other people to envy?
Does having a dream really give us a purpose in life? Or are we just giving an excuse to escape the realities and responsibilities in life?
It all boils down to whether we can or cannot achieve our dreams and what happens when either comes to pass. Do we ride the storm or get washed ashore and make the most of it. In the end nothing we do in this world will keep us away from our date with death.
But the fear of failure, the utter feeling of realizing that our whole life can be ruined by a dream that wasn’t meant to be can a dominating factor for us to lock our dreams away.
Now comes the most important question of all, do we have the courage to chase our dreams knowing we could fail very well in the end?
I have asked myself that question and I have realized that I have made up my mind to chase my dreams by following my own plans and there is no one I will listen to who tells me otherwise.
Why? Because I believe I can. And that’s all I have. A believe, nothing more.
So till my next post ya, its bye from Ganz.
Thanks for your comments Latiff, you truly are a friend.
It's just that I am always in doubt and nothing seems to be going my way. Everything I do these days ends feels wasteful.
Every book I read, music I listen to, photograph I edit, or work I do, doesn’t feel right. It’s like my heart is longing for something and mind preoccupied with self doubts.
I want to be so much more but I fear I can't. I tell myself I can but deep down I feel as though I am lying to myself.
I guess that’s why they say the first step usually the hardest.
7/16/2006 4:08 pm
Go for your dream so as not to regret it later.
You'll never know whether you make it or not, but better to fail trying then not trying at all.
7/30/2006 11:03 pm
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