Friday, July 07, 2006

Thank you, Mr. Paulo Coelho

75 weeks ago, I started posting the warrior of light short passages on my blog because I found these short passages so true to life and felt such inspirative work should not go unnoticed.

Now 75 weeks later I have managed to post every single passage from the book. When I look upon these warrior posts now, I feel a sense of pride because ever since my accidental encounter with this book I have always felt that this book needed to reach as many people as possible.

I took it upon myself to post two short passages every week so that you as my readers can appreciate the true meaning of life. Now that I have posted all the passages I feel I have done just that.

When I was first enlisted in the army, I felt like I was in a nightmare. Not that the training was hard or anything it was the whole concept of army that I hated. I knew the army had its importance but I also knew the army was used for political agendas by the government. And almost everyone I worked with in the army knew of ways how to avoid work and slack.

At first I was disgusted at their attitudes. But soon I came to realize that the reason why I hated them was the same reason why I kept asking questions about my life. I found my life to be meaningless like they found their servitude to the nation meaningless.

It was in this period of my life that I found this book. It offered me a look upon life that was so different yet so remarkably true. It was one of the few books that acknowledges failure and appreciates the miracle of being alive.

It taught me to live my dream, to embrace the uncertainty of my life and the importance to rise to meet my own destiny. In short it was about becoming the person I wanted to be.

In a few more months my service to my nation comes to an end. Like all ends brings upon a new beginning. It is a beginning of dreams; my dreams. And I am no longer afraid to face them.

So in gratitude, I want to thank Mr. Paulo Coelho for writing this wonderful book for it has been inspired me to seek out my dreams.

And I hope my readers who took the time to read these warrior posts will be inspired to seek out their dreams.

So till my next post ya, its bye from Ganz.


Blogger Ganz said...

Right now, I am only thinking of studying in states for a degree in Film.

I am currently gathering info for a huge bank loan to fund my studies. I am thinking of enrolling in Fullsail.

7/08/2006 12:31 am


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