Monday, March 06, 2006

Judge Not

You cannot break my spirit.

I don’t usually pass judgment on people because I don’t have to judge others in order to make myself feel great or superior.

Judge not, lest you be judged – this is a verse from the bible I have whole heartily believe. People today talk to you as if they have known you all your life and pass judgment on how you ought to change your mentality and character.

That was what exactly happened to me when I was learning my driving on Sunday. A certain instructor whom I haven’t had a good impression since day one told me that I am stubborn and should not give excuses when I am driving.

Tell me folks, it’s like my fifth lesson over a span of 4 weeks and do you really expect me to master everything. Hey I would if I had a car in my parking lot to practice everyday. But hey I don’t have that luxury besides if I had one, I probably wouldn’t be needing to write about this.

Even before I drove, I asked me sarcastically what lesson I am here for. I told him that I drove outside yesterday and am here for turning. He then says I was not sure and that I need to read about the lesson and not just come here expecting the instructor to tell me everything. It was clear he made up his mind before hand to make his point to me.

I was taken back. Here I was paying for my own driving lessons and the least he could do is tell me what lesson I going to do and how I was going to do it. Hey I am also an instructor in my camp and I have always made it a point to inform my trainees about the lessons they would be having.

On to driving, I admit I was pretty tense because I still haven’t had the confidence and haven’t developed the road conscious thingy and then he proceeds to lecture me on how all the trainees do not listen and do their own stuff. I told him that I need more practice and I am still not familiar on how to do certain stuff.

And he tells me and I quote’ you all are stubborn and are not convinced. Everytime I ask you something you give me an excuse. Change your mentality and character.’

I told him’ who are you to judge me; you don’t even know about me. I will not change myself for anybody’

Upon hearing that, he was dumbstruck. He thought that I would put my tail between my legs and listen. But instead I replied in a tone that would make Clint Eastwood proud.

And for the rest of the lesson he just sat there telling where to turn. After the lesson he pulled out the traffic police test sheet and underlined to me all the things I did wrong just to rub it in my face. And he also had the nerve to tell me that he doesn’t like doing these things but there are requirements that I must meet.

And the most irritating part is that he spoke in a tone with a face only a mother would be proud of. God I love blogs. I can write anything and get away with it.

Well I am not a dog who bows his head in front of its master. I am lion who holds his head up high even in the most dire of situations. I will not lose my self respect in front of others even in defeat. It's the way I am, you just got to accept the god damn fact. So I looked him straight in the eye and told him, ‘If you think I didn’t do a good job out there, then don’t pass me.’

And he replied that I was not convincing and that he will pass me. I know he was doing it to get rid of me. So I replied that I needed more practice and I do not deserve to pass the lessons. He smiled. I thanked him and I walked away.

So till my next post ya, its bye from Ganz.


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