Out of Luck
Misfortunes Galore.
Life sure has a funny way of smiling at me. I can’t believe my luck. Misfortunes galore. Approximately one year ago, I ended up being out of course for driving and this year I am out of luck for a camera.
As you might know I have been planning to buy a dSLR camera. In fact I even made a serious bid for a Nikon D70s on clubSNAP after my friend Michelle was so kind to sent me a link.
But alas, misfortune strikes me again. I don’t wish to speak about it as I have grown weary of the subject. I have no alternative now then to put my idea of getting a camera on hold. Though I could make a dire effort to get the camera, I am not going to.
After much thought today, I decided against my own desires to get a dSLR camera. The main reason is I do not wish to put my dad in any financial predicament. There is a simple rule I am starting to take to heart, and it goes like this, if you can’t afford it then don’t buy it.
Given my current family situation, I just don’t feel right about spending that kind of money on myself. I will sleep easy knowing that I helped my dad rather than spent money on a shiny new camera. So what if I can’t buy one now. I will buy one later. Yeah. Later when I have saved up enough money I will buy the camera and by then the price might have dropped and might even become more affordable.
I decided that I will get my camera after I finish my army and start working. Since I am going to work for a couple of years in order to save up enough money to fund my own degree in Film, I might as well take my time in pursing photography.
Sometimes I wonder if my god enjoys seeing me suffer. I hope she is Happy, Happy, Happy. But hey my father didn’t name me after the god for nothing. And I intend to live up to my name. After all to be Ganz, is to be Great.
So till my next post ya, its bye from Ganz.
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