006. Quotes of the Week
If women are expected to do the same work as men, we must teach them the same things.
- Plato (427 BC - 347 BC)
The people I distrust most are those who want to improve our lives but have only one course of action.
- Frank Herbert (1920 - 1986)
Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do, when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not; it is the first lesson that ought to be learned; and however early a man's training begins, it is probably the last lesson that he learns thoroughly.
- Thomas H. Huxley (1825 - 1895)
A fashion is nothing but an induced epidemic.
- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)
The greatest challenge to any thinker is stating the problem in a way that will allow a solution.
- Bertrand Russell (1872 – 1970)
So till my next post ya, its bye from Ganz.
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