Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Problematic Problem

Concerning the author’s problem with problems

I hate it whenever I make a mistake on my blog. It is such a pain to me. Now I know how Hercule Poirot felt when things were not in order.

I wonder why whenever I write something or even design something, I can always find one or two problem afterwards. I do my best to check, multiple times even, but there will always be mistakes that I overlook.

Why? Why can’t I spot my own mistakes? Is it because the brain takes things for granted or I simply not attentive enough.

I know for sure that everyone makes mistakes but I do it more frequently than others.

I wonder if there is a word for my condition?

And damn why can’t I spell right too?

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Blogger Mohd Latiff Rahim said...

Well, every genius has got their own little quirks and flaws, pal.

Mine is the inability to focus on one project and sticking to it without getting distracted by side ... distractions.

Sometimes my ability to describe things in words backfires on me, ending up with people not understanding what I meant to convey because my language may perhaps be too windy or long-winded.

This is why many geniuses (that's you and me) perform the best when they band together and complement everyone's strengths and weaknesses.

11/10/2006 9:14 am

Blogger Ganz said...

You are the Genius, not me.

I am just wondering why on earth I have these problems.

My spelling is the real bother. At least for English it isn't so bad but for my Tamil it's a whole different story. It's atrocious.

And Yes we should band together. Maybe we could write something together. What Say You?

11/10/2006 9:44 am

Blogger Mohd Latiff Rahim said...

Of course. What had been preventing it all this while?

11/10/2006 9:19 pm


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