Wednesday, November 15, 2006

My Work and Me

In which the author talks about his new job.

Work is such a bore. I just don't feel happy. I look into the mirror and see someone else standing there every morning. I can't even remember how long it has been since I saw myself really enjoying life.

Work life isn't something I look forward to. I want to work, but not for people who think they know everything. I want to do the work my heart desires. But it seems that I in this lifetime I have to tread over many obstacles before I can achieve the one goal I have in my life.

I haven't really said much at my work place. I just doing what they tell me. No one disturbs me. I neither ask for advise nor give advise. I just do my work. I am like a ghost, Messy hair and all.

Sometimes it gets on my nerve, a company that does training doesn't even have the adequate softwares for its designer. Every person there seems to have the latest versions while I am stuck with trial versions and back dated softwares. The best and most laughable part was the fact they asked me to do a 3d rendition of a character they drew only to find that I didn't have any 3d applications to use.

In the end, I had to bring my own laptop to do their work.

And I find it amazing people in the company have no idea how long it takes to do a 3D animation. They think it's like drawing an apple in illustrator!

Well that's my work life so far, unhappy and bored.

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Blogger MC said...

Hey hey, Yap Ganz, that's REALITY of work. It's just a nutshell, and when you break it open, there seemed to be endless flaws.

I've been there and done that. Well you got to mix around to make your working life less of a bore man. Talk to people, and socialise although I hate it most of the time. But again NO CHOICE, you have to.

Working is monotonous, and routined, unless you love your job so much, like me, I yearn to go to work everyday, and only working keeps me punctual, believe it or not. hahaha.. it's true.

Softwares, I had that problem all the time, worst of, last time, the company I was working in uses pirated software, how worst can that be, at least yours is trial version. haha..

Cheer up ganz... May your tomorrow and tomorrow be a better tomorrow.


11/16/2006 11:58 pm

Blogger Ganz said...

I talk to people n socialize but I just hate it when people gossip about one another and act like nothing happened when the person is around.

U enjoy working because u get to do what u like to do.

so far my working life hasn't been a highlight of my life and you probably heard enough of my bickering.

I used to be more happy doing freelance while I was in the army than doing fulltime now.

Someday I am going to quit computers and become a film director.

At least that way I can move around rather that stay trapped in a stupid office.

U know me, I am hopeful. Tomorrow brings a new promise.

Thanks for the cheers. Mitch.

11/17/2006 1:11 am


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