Saturday, October 28, 2006

My Grandpa Sells Condom to Sailors

Concerning Mr. Wednesday's song.

Rained, rained, rained, and it never stopped. Well now it has. Nothing to do and no where to go. I finished reading Neil Gaiman’s Fragile Things I've been wanting to read since Wednesday.

How coincidental, today’s post is also about Wednesday. The Monarch of the Glen, the last short story in Fragile Things has Mr. Wednesday sitting in a diner singing to the tune of “My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean” to Shadow.

And it goes like this.

“My grandpa sells condom to sailors
He punctures the tips with a pin
My grandma does back-street abortions
My God how the money rolls in.”

“Rolls in, rolls in, my God how the money rolls in”

“My brother’s a missionary worker,
He saves fallen women from sin
For five bucks he’ll save you a redhead,
My God how the money rolls in.”

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