Monday, December 26, 2005

05. New Year’s Resolutions

Stop using Vulgarities
Ever since I was enlisted in the army I have been using vulgarities a lot and it goes against my own moral obligations. I just don’t feel its right to use vulgarities every time I get angry. It just goes to show my own immaturity; the last thing I want is to sound like some immature moron.

Target = Control my anger and try not to use vulgarities

So till my next post ya, its bye from Ganz.


Blogger Dan B. said...

i dig your writing style. i came to ur blog randomly. i also work in visual effets. i'm learning discreet smoke and flame.

hope your new year brings all your hopes and dreams to fruitation.

detroit,mi usa

12/26/2005 3:41 pm


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