I have finished painting my home. Let me tell you it’s no fun to spend your entire weekend two weeks in a row to paint the house all by yourself. Although most of the painting is done, there are still certain areas that need to be touched up particularly the hall area.
Since my home walls and ceiling are rock stones’, it’s harder to paint on them and there will always be spots where the rollers cannot simply fill the small gaps. The only problem is I have very little time after work to finish.
I still haven’t bought any clothes for Deepavali and have no idea what new trends are there in the market. Speaking of which, I never was a trendiest and will almost certainly buy those ‘normal’ collar shirts. But the only thing I know for certain is my mother is going to scold me for buying the same coloured shirts. I just can’t help it; I simply love blue coloured collar shirts.
Other Matters
• Drafting another poem.
• Finally got my hands on Sin City DVD.
• Senselessly talking to myself in the shower
• Doodling endlessly on my new graphic design.
• I am currently on chapter 8 of my Learning Maya 7 Foundation book.
• Dreamt that I fell in love with a beautiful brunette Swedish woman.
• Rearranged my whole room and make several sweeping changes to my desk.
Further Studies
And by the way I did some research on further studies and come up with a good estimate on how much its gonna cost me to study overseas. It’s probably gonna cost me 150k at most to get my Bachelor of Science in film. Yes you heard me right; I am going to pursue a career in film making. I want to be a film director.
So till my next post ya, its bye from Ganz.
I told you you can always get help from friends, including me to help out in painting. oh well. good luck anyway for everything.
10/25/2005 9:47 pm
Haha, I feel that it is not polite to ask my friends to do my house painting. After all it’s my responsibility and I do NOT want to trouble anyone esp. my friends during their precious weekends with my errands.
Anyway thanks for offering your help, not many do.
I accidentally deleted my previous post along with your comment. As for the Sin City DVD I got it off the net.
I apologize for keeping your Evangelion DVDs and your ‘V for Vendetta’ comic with me for so long. When the chance presents itself, I will return your stuff. Till then I will keep them safe.
11/22/2005 10:35 pm
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