Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Ideas That Won't Sleep

These days when I wake up in the morning I feel extremely tired. The lack of sleep is having a negative effect on my health. Although the army recommends every soldier at least 7 hours of sleep each day, I find myself not adhering to the rule. But hey since when I gave a damn about rules. Anyway the reason I find myself not sleeping or having trouble sleeping is because I find my head full of ideas for my personal projects apart from spending late nights learning maya 7.

Every time I close my eyes or lie in bed I get ideas for my personal projects especially for my Ramayanam script. I can’t explain in words how awesome some of these cinematic moments are going to be. I have a feeling that if I ever got the chance to make this movie, I guarantee its going to rock your world.

I promised myself that I will do whatever it takes to deliver my version of this grand epic. But if I fail, I shall be contented that I gave it my best shot and I can go to my grave (damn I will be cremated upon my death) knowing that I chased a crazy dream nobody gave a damn about.

Having said that I feel I am too ambitious. After all it not like they are going to let me, a nameless fellow from a country that has history of producing lackluster films to write and direct THE movie of Indian silver screen.

Besides I don’t even know how actual movie production works and the stress that come along with it. From my little experience I have had with cameras, I have realized that sometimes a good idea in your head will end up looking bad for all sort of reasons. I can only hope for the best and that the good god forgives me for all my sins. If She decides to punish me by taking away my dreams, I will no doubt will lose my will to live on.

And lastly in exactly one year’s time I will complete my national service. I can’t believe I have finished 14 months of service. Come next year October 17th I will be a free man, someone who doesn’t need to listen to commanding officers and follow rules and regulations of the army.

And by the way I pray to the nameless good god, omnipresent, omnipotent, genderless sentient being.

So till my next post ya, its bye from Ganz.


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