Saturday, April 02, 2005


On April first, April fool's day, was my follow up appointment to see my orthopedic. Upon reaching SGH (Singapore General Hospital) I had to wait for an hour before seeing the doctor. And when entered his room, my heart skipped a beat. In his hands he had my bone scan results and told me the news I didn’t want to hear.

He said I ran too much in BMT and that was the main reason why I am having foot inflammation. He also said my running method was wrong because I have pigeon toes and was told that have my feet arches has collapsed considerably since my enlistment. In short he said this were stress injuries and would take a long time to heal.

When he showed me the bone scan, I was actually a bit shaken because I could clearly see the inflammation in my feet. The doctor told me that I would be downgraded to PES C2L9 and would be excused from running for 6 months.

When I thought about all the hard work I put during BMT (Basic Military Training) to pass my IPPT, I realized all my efforts were wasted and now I have to pay for the consequences. I felt disappointed because I was told by the doctor I overdid it.

If only I heeded my own advice, I wouldn't be suffering right now. But then again I never liked advice even if it came from me.

There are some people in this world that will never listen or accept advice even if it was for their own good. When you tell these people don’t play with fire because fire is dangerous, these people will ignore your warnings or advice and continue to play with fire.

But then the inevitable happens, they get hurt or burnt by fire and only then will they realize fire is dangerous. Unfortunately for me, I belong to another group of people; the ones who get hurt knowing fire is dangerous.

So till my next post ya, its bye from Ganz.


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