Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Wanting to Live

Concerning dwelling on the past and worrying about the future.

I think there is more to life than this.

I am not as happy as I want to be.

I can use affirmations and self deception techniques to lie to myself and act as if there is nothing wrong with my world.

But the truth, oh yes, people like me are always seeking the truth, know that the world is indeed a fucked up place where there are people leeching over other people's hard work and success.

I hate these kinds of people. No use bitching, if you want something you got to go and get it yourself.

It’s funny. I seem to know all that I need to know to be successful but here I am utterly frightened about my future, the mere thought that I am going to be working for someone for the rest of my life is the most depressing thought of all.

I want more. More than what I have. It’s not greed, and who are you to judge what I can and cannot have. I am putting an end to this fear once and for all, I am going to do all the things I have always wanted to do.

I will not succumb to poverty and let others decide what’s good for me. I am going to take charge. I am not going to dwell on the past nor worry about the future.

I am the present and I want to live.

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Blogger Mohd Latiff Rahim said...

You forgot one thing about your connection with Germany.

Both your names start with G.

Grr... Right now I am in day 2 of my super-early eye see tea (i c t) and it's only been 6 months since I owe are dee'd.

How many times have you watched Spider-Man 3 so far?

5/08/2007 9:27 pm

Blogger Ganz said...

I watched Spiderman on opening day.

I don't think I want to see it again. The VFX is good, but the story is so predictable.

5/08/2007 11:20 pm


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