Saturday, March 10, 2007

Time Travel

In which the author considers finding a blank sheet of paper to stare at it.

It's going to be a long night, with work going on one computer and one very big Laptop. I've spent more time working lately than procrastinating, which works out well for people like me.

Let me say something about the wisdom of chipping away at something. I don't employ it often enough, though its logic is indisputable. It seems I wait too often. I wait and I lug my dreams around like a heavy suitcase because I can't let go, but can't convince myself to find time for them.

Short term goals eat up the long term plans and the days go by and I arrive at the future blinking in surprise.

It's not like time travel.

It is time travel.

Twenty minutes. Just once a week. Maybe the twenty minutes consists of finding a corner of my desk to work at. Possibly it consists of staring at a blank sheet of paper and thinking about the "it" I want to do.

Maybe it consists of finding a blank sheet of paper and stare at it.

It is, after all, as they say, a process. Wise folk, who've written books, produced plays, learned the piano, shaped their bodies, and mastered difficult languages will say it works.

I would tend to believe them.

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Blogger Mohd Latiff Rahim said...

Sorry, unrelated comment -

Rorshach from Watchmen!

3/10/2007 10:29 pm

Blogger Mohd Latiff Rahim said...

I just had a 'revelation' about the Revelationary graphic novel idea you had that you wanted to do with me (if you still want). In the shower I came up with a modified version of your original idea.

Then as I was surfing aimlessly around using my Stumble Upon plugin in my Firefox, browsing the comics section of the network, I came upon some web comics sites and I wondered...

We can do a web comic series based upon your idea. Latifa can be involved too if you and her are okay.

I can contribute to the script and story development, and also the marketing of the web comic (from my experience in marketing online.. all free methods using word of mouse and viral marketing, etc).

We can maybe have a prequel that is online and free for everyone to view and then capture everybody who's read the free version as our leads and then sell the actual story separately through or online as well on a secure server space.

I don't know... when you feel like you're ready to do this, despite your project(s) and all (same goes for me), let me know.

I foresee this to be a part-time / spare time multi-month to a year plus long project / labour of love / possible portfolio / gateway to things to come (good, hopefully) / big studio magnet.

Sorry had to use the comment box to communicate with you. Just too used to it.

3/10/2007 11:44 pm

Blogger Ganz said...

Nah, its okay.

Besides it gives the impression that this blog is active and has lots of people commenting on it. But only we know the truth.

I definitely want to do this. I not sure what medium it should be. Comic or novel. But seeing how bookshops are all flooded with books I think we could do a comic.

Just to tell and annoy Singaporeans greatly that there are people in this damn country that can write a mature comic.

Well if we are going to do this it’s gonna be labor of love. As for getting Latifa involved we need to talk to her. There’s no promise of anything. Anything gained is a bonus.

Well you already know how sick I am of the Singapore’s attitude towards its own creative talents. It’s about time people like us step up and take charge.

As for the marketing you are the expert.

Just wanted you to know that we could be looked upon as modern day heretics and blasphemers of the church. I foresee many dim witted fools that happen to see the title of our comic “Anti Christ Revelations” is going to misinterpret it.

But like we care.

Ok. Let’s set a date. Meanwhile you write whatever comes to your mind and I will do the same. I wanna see what direction you are heading for without me interfering whatsoever.

3/11/2007 1:31 am


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