An Evil Piece of Technology
In which the author talks about his contempt for computers.
The problem with blogging is that when I have something interesting to blog, I don't have the time to write about it or I can't get my hands on a computer.
I had another dream I wanted to blog about it. But by the time I got my chance to write about it, I have forget what it was that I wanted to blog about. It does not matter. Nothing matters really.
I have been busy with work. I don't like talking about my work. It isn't fun and it's such a tedious bore. From my observations, I find people to have become enslaved to computers.
Computers promised to usher us into a new era but looking at it today, it had one deceiving goal from the very beginning; to enslave us.
Just ask yourself how many hours do you spent using the computer?
I spent at least half a day in front of my computer and it is starting to make me unhappy. I feel as though I am living for my computer. I am not living my life nor am I doing the things I wanted to do. I regret to inform myself that computers have made my live utterly meaningless. Yet I sit here writing this blog entry on my computer.
I ask myself when was the last time I was truly content. In 1992 I got my first computer and without me realizing then I been on a path of Self decline. I am so ashamed that I have spend more time in front of my computer than socializing with others. All i got for my efforts was people came to know I was pretty darn good with computers but that was it.
Funny my life is such a screw up now. Things which I hated, I have come to love, and things which I thought I loved, I am hating. I never liked to read or run. but this year alone I have read more books and ran more than all my years put together. I used to watch soccer feverishly and stay up late to watch Monday Night Nitro reruns at the wee hours of the morning but these days I hardly bring myself to watch soccer or pro wrestling.
All I wanted to say is computers are here to stay and they are an evil piece of technology invented to make make our petty lives even more meaningless.

Labels: computer, evil, meaningless
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