Of concerning the author’s other names.
I am a dude, mike, guy, gan, san and many other things. I am all this but not Ganz or Ganesan. I find it odd because I came up with the nickname Ganz only because I couldn’t stand everyone mispronouncing my name with the certain exception of my family and a few close friends.
I guess, so long as I know others are addressing me it does not matter how I am addressed. But it sure would be nice if people got it right once in a while. I am afraid that somewhere down the line when someone sees me they are unable to remember my real name. After all, names are very important. If it wasn’t, your parents would never have fought over in naming you.
I wonder what I would call my daughter in the future. If you are wondering why I am so sure I am having a daughter and not a son. Well it is because of my prolonged exposure to UHF radiation while I was serving in the army. Sorry, I know it is a lame joke. But it sure scared a lot of people esp. my trainees. You should have seen their faces.
I always knew I had a neck for storytelling.
So till my next post ya, its bye from Ganz.
Oh that. I decided to have ALL-CAPS TITLES on my post so that it would scream at people something in the likes of “Look at me, Look at me, I am the title of the post.”
If you noticed I also have sub headers whenever possible. It’s just some of the little things I wanted to have in MY blog.
Haha, Well I don’t belong to any of these cultures. Besides I got a common Indian Name. If anyone wanted to do anything, it is going effect a whole lot of people. Besides it’s not like there is a mob of people wanting to do evil stuff to me. People hardly know I exist.
10/04/2006 7:57 pm
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