Monday, September 11, 2006

Luck of the Irish Leprechaun

It seems that I don’t have any luck these days. First my PDA decided to quit on me. Then my watch falls to the floor and fractures its glass and now I seem to have misplaced my handphone.

Why does it all have to happen when I am going to finish my National Service? Thank god, I didn’t buy an expensive handphone. Anyway I had this coming; I had one too many close shaves where I could have lost my handphone.

I can give a ton of reason for losing my handphone but I am not going to. I guess I need to be more alert and careful with my handphone next time.

No point crying over spilled milk, I need to call my service provider to cancel my line and issue me a replacement SIM card and get myself a new handphone.

I think I am going to get the black Motorola V3. The price seems reasonable enough ($98 for a 21 month plan) and it looks kinda cool too.

Sorry folks, I am not into the 3G and Bluetooth stuff. I just need a simple good looking phone to call and send messages. I am not your teenage boy who is bickering to see who has the newest and coolest toy.

The only thing I regret in losing my handphone is the messages. I had sms dating back to 2002. Ah, those sweet and lovely messages.

Well, no point holding onto our past let us look towards the future. I will get myself a new phone to mark the next phase of my life. And come October 17, I am still going to throw my army handphone into the Singapore River.

The Strangeness of it All
When my friend saw me writing down all the numbers from my handphone into a small notebook he asked me why.

I told him that someday it might come handy when I lose my handphone. He heard my reply and chuckled at me.

Lol and behold my words came true, somehow even back then I knew I was going to lose my handphone.

Hmm...Maybe I should become a part time soothsayer?

So till my next post ya, its bye from Ganz.


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