Saturday, September 09, 2006

Trainees' Camaraderie

No prizes for guessing. Yes, I am the one with the big smile shamelessly advertising my pearly whites. I had this big smile because I thought it was going to be my last week at Stagmont camp. I thought wrong. It was going to be my place of servitude for the next 20 months or so. February 2005.

So till my next post ya, its bye from Ganz.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you look sooo handsome

9/08/2006 12:48 am

Blogger Ganz said...

Girl, you really ought to get yourself a thick pair of glasses.

9/08/2006 1:10 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL. I don't need glasses to see your handsome face. You are so humble. That's what I always loved about you. That and your sense of humour.

9/09/2006 3:09 pm

Blogger Ganz said...

Thanks. Hey I am so lonely these days. You want to meet up for coffee again?

9/09/2006 3:51 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure Handsome. I will sms you.

9/09/2006 4:25 pm

Blogger Ganz said...

Sorry Gal, it seems in my forgetfulness I seemed to have misplaced my handphone and I have no recollection of it.

It would be wise not to send me any message until I get myself a new handphone and a replacement sim card.

9/10/2006 9:26 pm


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