Friday, April 14, 2006

Enniya Puthandu Naal Varthukal

Happy New Year to all.

Sorry folks, I was kinda busy and forgot to post my Tamil New Year greetings.

Just so you know, I spent most of the day playing Morrowind IV on my Xbox 360 and didn't go to Funan as planned because of the rain. Maybe I will head to Funan tomorrow.

I did manage to finish my work for my client though. Since he was a family relative I charged him very little and was pleased to have gotten some money for my efforts.

Anyway I was planning to go for a run shortly, but decided that I would infact watch Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride. Guess I will make it up tomorrow. 14km would be a great way to make it up.

So till my next post ya, its bye from Ganz.


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