Thursday, April 13, 2006

1st Rule In Photography

Always carry spare batteries.

I just learned the first rule in photography. Always carry spare batteries and I really mean it.

I decided that today I wasn’t going for any runs because frankly my feet are aching. It’s been to two days since I saw my podiatrist and have been wearing those custom insoles to raise my arch in both of my feet.

The problem is that I find it extremely uncomfortable wearing those insoles. But it was to be expected as my podiatrist told me that it would take time for the insoles to probably contour itself with my foot structure.

Anyway since I wasn’t going to run, I decided to do some night photography. I just wanted to do some little experimentation with my new camera. I left home at 12.15am only to return home a few minutes later because I realized my camera batteries were flat.

I have been putting away the notion of buying spare batteries because I assumed that my current batteries would last for some time more, and given the fact that someone used my rechargeable batteries and forgot to charge them, left me no choice but to head down to the nearest Shell station to buy new batteries.

I know it’s a very amateurish mistake. But hey I am an amateur. I should have made sure I had enough power in my batteries before I started taking any pictures. A little check sure would have saved much time and trouble.

Well I have always said the best way to learn is to screw things up. Only when we make mistakes that cost us will we ever learn not to repeat them. Lessons learnt the hard way are lessons that we do not easily forgot.

So till my next post ya, its bye from Ganz.


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