Saturday, September 24, 2005

Veronika Decides to Die

Veronika has everything she could wish for. She is young, pretty, has plenty of attractive boyfriends, a steady job and a loving family. She lives in the beautiful Capital city of Slovenia, Ljubljana, yet Veronika is not happy and one winter's morning she takes an overdose of incredibly powerful sleeping pills, desperate to end the routine of her life.

Unfortunately for her, she wakes up in Villete, the famous and much feared lunatic asylum, which had been in existence since 1991, the year of Slovenia's independence. There, she is told that although she is alive, her heart is now irreparably damaged and she has only a few days to live.

Although Veronika was adamant her life should have been over, she now faces a waiting game in Villete, and has to succumb to the "madness" of the patients, and the rules and regulations strictly adhered to by both the nurses and doctors.

The story of "Veronika decides to die" follows her through these intense days as she begins to question her existence and ideas about life. Soon she begins to realise that every second of life is worth living, and against all the odds she begins to find herself falling in love with life and wanting to live again.

During Veronika's stay at Villete she encounters several other "inmates" who all manage to make a big impact on her life, although unknown to her, and as her spirit awakens she begins to make a noticeable difference to their lives. Zedka, who was admitted into Villete for depression, and although is almost cured, wishes to stay in Villete due to the comfort and regularity of the surroundings.

Mari, a member of the Fraternity (a group of longer standing members who could have left several years ago, but stay at the states expenses due to the hospitals familiarity, and who behave like dangerous maniacs whenever there is a government inspection), and Eduard, a schizophrenic, whose madness was reportedly beyond cure, but was infiltrated by the enchanting piano music he cared to listen to.

My thoughts
Every now and again I discover something, be it a piece of music, film, writing, even just a moment in time, that makes everything fall into place. To me, finding something that expresses exactly how I feel is magical.

It is like finding a new friend. Although I promised myself that I would read it by this weekend I actually read in one sitting, and at the end was completely amazed at the way the subject matter was handled.

The straightforward narrative is incredibly easy to read at all times, which for me added an intense emotion to much of the story, the direct language contrasts with complex ideas, and this highlights the fragility of the main character Veronika, and indeed of life itself.

We take life for granted. We get bored; we miss out the finer aspects of life, and keep chasing and running elusive goals set by others for us! And all the while, the sands of time slip through. When we are ready to enjoy, old age and death face us. Sometimes, even before we are ready.

This book makes you sit back and think. What if you were faced with the prospect of death just as you started valuing life?

So till my next post ya, its bye from Ganz.


Blogger MC said...

My secondary school teacher always talks to us about Paulo's books, and Veronika decides to die is one of her favourite. I recall the times when she steps into class and told us to read Paulo's books. I only managed to read Alchemist, and it's just so inspiring.

I would love to read Paulo's books again if I can find the time to.

Now that you have written a synopsis about Veronika Decides to die, I finally understand why my teacher keep asking us to read, it's so inspirational.

Well, glad that you enjoyed this book and made you stop and think about life. I think once in a while everyone should just sit back and think about their life.

Opps, am I writting too much. LoL. Sorry to flood your comments. lol


9/24/2005 11:16 pm


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