Sunday, July 17, 2005

The Aviator and The Jade Empire

Nothing much happened today, spent most of my day reading the Da Vinci’s code. Really glad I brought the special illustrated version; it’s easier on the eyes. Something of a blessing because previously I read the paperback version my friend Latiff borrowed me. I had a hard time concentrating on the book because of the small sized text and also because I was dead tried after a hard day’s of training in BMT.

Also finally got the chance to play Jade Empire on my Xbox, and boy does it live up to its reputation. Everything about this game is great, especially the game art. I never could have imagined that an American game company could portray foreign culture so beautifully. Apart from some bugging issues, the game plays like the Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic which incidentally happens to be one of the best RPG (Role Playing Game) I have ever played. Some people might be put off by the excessive amount of dialogue in Bioware’s games but Jade Empire is so well written is actually fun to speak to every single NPC (Non Playing Character).

After playing it for 2 hrs straight, I needed to rest my tiring hands. So what better way to rest than catch a good movie. I decided to watch The Aviator from the stack of Vcds I borrowed yesterday. I couldn’t believe that I yet again missed another great movie in the cinema and now had to see it within the confines of my 17” CRT monitor.

After watching the first cd, I decided to go running. Yes, if you been a frequent reader you would probably realize that my doctor strictly told me not to run until my foot heals, but I never listen to advice. So I went to woodlands stadium I ran non stop for 1 hour. I think I covered around 12 to 13km but I really didn’t keep count. Who cares anyways, I say leave the math to mathematics.

A quick shower and dinner, I was back to finish off what I started. I finished watching The Aviator and I have to admit it was a great movie but then again what else can you expect when Martin Scorsese is at its helm.

So yet another day comes to its conclusion. Been a busy week for me, going to the hospitals to visit my grandmothers, revamping my website and also doing some absurd designs for a local art competition. I can’t believe that I actually take pleasure in drawing tiny little windows. What to do, the devil is in the details.

But before I go, I would like to thank everyone for their kind and positive remarks with regards to my new blog site.

So till my next post ya, its bye from Ganz.


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