Saturday, February 12, 2005


In which a conversation about Jaw Surgery was hot debated over breakfast.

The last movie I watched was Blade: Trinity. That was last December in the cinema. I was sourly disappointed in the way the Blade Trilogy ended. After so much hype, I was saddened that it ended up as nothing more than an average Hollywood action movie. Ever since then nothing really caught my eye that is until I caught the trailer for Million Dollar Baby on Apple’s Quicktime website.

First I have got to thank Latiff for organizing a gathering of old acquaintances and booking those tickets. In actual fact it was just the same three of us again, a talented producer who idolizes Andy Lau (Michelle), a gifted writer who is godfather inspired (Latiff) and a director who is clearly insane (Me).

We met and had our breakfast at DeliFrance accompanied by deafening drums. Latiff got to hand it to you, choosing to have our conversation in the worse possible place in the whole of Plaza Singapura. Right beside a bloody Lion dance performance. Remind me not to let you do to location scouting. Haha, just kidding buddy.

After breakfast we caught up with our daily lives. Sadly we parted ways with Michelle whom had to attend a photography class with half retards. Oops or was it people from various walks of lives. Anyways thanks Michelle for you animated conversation about jaw surgery when people were actually having their god damn breakfast. Haha. It’s always a pleasure of having you around.

Anyways after Michelle left, Latiff and Me went around the Plaza wasting our time until it’s was Showtime. After buying those hotdogs combo sets at a rip-off price, we headed to catch our show. I must say it was the best show I seen so far this year. I was holding back my tears for some of the scenes.

Well it always breaks my heart when I see people lose their dreams. To me it’s more cruel than death. Do not worry my readers I have written a short review on the movie for those interested in watching this Clint Eastwood masterpiece.

After the movie, Latiff headed to his religious class and I was condemned to head home listening to my brother’s selection of Mp3 music. Upon reaching my station, I proceed to buy another of Paulo Coelho’s books.

Well that was how I spent the eve of my birthday. Yes, my dear readers it’s my 22nd birthday tomorrow. Nothing to worry, it’s just another guy growing a year older. Hmm… is it me or am I getting sexier as I’m getting older.

I wonder…

So till my next post ya, its bye from Ganz.


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