Wednesday, February 09, 2005


Something New.

Starting from Sunday, 13 Feb 2005, I have decided to post Quotations on my blog site. Well you might ask, why do I even need to write a reason for posting Quotations on my blog site?

As you might already know, I believe that everything happens for a reason, may it be known or has its own unfathomable reasons. Since this is my blog, I want you as the reader to be at least aware on my purpose of these quotes.

The quotes that are going to be posted here in my blog site may not always be in your agreement. But they are words of men or women who have understood its meaning and left these words to warn or inspire future generations.

Lastly the quotes that appear will be of random nature. I will simply post them up if I find them to my liking. And for your info, these quotes are not always from great people but also from common everyday people.

So till my next post ya, its bye from Ganz.


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