Saturday, August 05, 2006

An Ad for a Friend

If you folks have the time, you would do well to head down to my friend Latiff's Blog. His blog is really an enlightening and earth shattering novelization of life.

There is a ton of remarkable arguments and thesis on the blog that I personally have felt needed to reach a much larger audience. Folks, you may or may not agree with his arguments and thesis but the fact remains, he is one of the very few people I personally know willing to write about mature subjects and has a genuine concern on the path we humans beings are taking.

But be warned this is no Sunday Tea Club. It’s not one of those average celebrity blogs where they constantly bicker on which shoe to buy. This blog is the new Muslim revolution. It does not shy away from the shortsightedness of his practiced Islamic religion nor does it accept the concept of godless westernization.

To tell you the truth, I always have imagined that my friend Latiff might one day end up writing for some big magazine like Time. But knowing him, I guess he will not put himself in a situation where is his free speech is meticulous edited and censored. He's just too smart for this kind of shit and he knows it.

So folks, remember to pay a visit to LATIFFOLOGY. Hey sooner or later, I fear it’s going to be an official word.

So till my next post ya, its bye from Ganz.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Your friend does have a great blog.

Gotta bookmark it.

8/05/2006 5:49 pm


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