Let's Not Bet On Poverty
It’s the World Cup season and everyone I know is betting on soccer. It’s saddening actually when you really think about it. There is so much poverty in this world and people who can help are throwing away their money on soccer matches.
When you bet there are only two possible outcomes. You either win or you lose. In my experience most people will lose more than they win. So what happens to your money if you lost? You basically make the rich richer. All these betting houses may it be legal or illegal will only stand to make a profit out of peoples’ greed.
I come across so much news on the papers covering the World cup and how people are spending lavishly on the World Cup. But if only these people open their eyes and saw the true horror of it all will they then realise that the World Cup today is nothing more than a glorified sport that is a cash cow for organizations supporting it.
I can’t believe that in this new century, millions of people in the world's poorest countries remain imprisoned, enslaved and in chains. They are trapped in the prison of poverty.
But it isn't chance or bad luck that keeps people trapped in bitter, unrelenting poverty. It's man-made factors like a glaringly unjust global trade system, a debt burden so great that it suffocates any chance of recovery and insufficient and ineffective aid.
Well I can’t tell people not to bet on soccer matches, I just wanted to raise this issue so that people will not be so careless with their money. After all, it’s only a cup.
There are more pressing issues which people can talk about rather than get together and predict score lines of soccer matches. Some people enjoy chatting about how many goals the Saudis will concede in their match in against Spain.
You know there is a material that is harder than diamonds that have been invented by German Physicists called ACNR. But nobody seems to know about it instead everyone has suddenly become soccer experts who seem to know who will be in the starting eleven of the England nation team and how England should have played in the World Cup. It’s really amusing to watch people talk about things they don’t really control or have a say in it.
I guess this is a silly world after all.
So till my next post ya, its bye from Ganz.
So true.
Atleast you share the same thoughts as me. If only more people were aware of how poverty is killing our world's children... sigh...
Money isn't the root of all evil, it’s Man's greed. And like you say, only Man can get rid of this cancer.
7/07/2006 12:06 pm
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