I Am So Organized
1) I will write down all objectives I want to accomplish in a month on a piece of paper.
2) I then rewrite all of this in my notebook in better handwriting.
3) After which I will type this information out in my laptop.
4) Save it and check the spelling, grammar and punctuation.
5) I will then tell myself I will accomplish these tasks starting from tomorrow.
6) One month later I will ask myself why I haven’t start on my objectives.
7) I will reason with myself that life is not about writing things down on piece of paper and making ticks for every accomplished task and that life is about spontaneity and freedom to do what we want when we wanted.
8) The next day I repeat step 1.
So till my next post ya, its bye from Ganz.
hahahahaha, Ganz, thats a good one..
4/25/2006 10:15 am
eh, the verification thingy is gone. hahahaha..
4/25/2006 10:15 am
HaHa. I decided to make things easier for u. since u are the only one who constantly comments on my blog.
BTW I really appreciate it.
Besides I started to get annoyed with the word verification service. It’s seems to be getting longer everytime.
4/25/2006 7:10 pm
hahaha... You are so kind.. You stil have other bloggers commenting what. I'm not the only one lah..
And ya, it gets longer when you key in wrongly. hahaha..
Thanks for commenting on mine too.
4/26/2006 11:54 am
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