Monday, January 02, 2006

A Simple Game

Yesterday night I decided to go for a walk because it’s been a long time since I when for one. I waited until the rain had stopped and left home at around 11pm. After 5 minutes of walking it started to drizzle heavily enough to give me second thoughts.

I wanted to turn back and return home but I felt that if I didn’t complete my walk on New Year’s Day, I will not be able to complete anything this year.

I know it’s a silly thought but I am not going to test water. I still remember the days when before I go for a major exam, I will often play a game with myself.

The game was simple. I would have one target at the front of the room and I would be way back at the other end with a small plastic ball. The objective was really simple. To kick the ball so that it hits the target in one glorious attempt. The real problem was to kick the ball without hitting any furniture on its way to the target.

Although it was challenging I often scored and like wise I passed that test. Now you know why I can bend balls better than Beckham. In fact I have scored 6 banana kicks in my short career. The best one is from a half way line in the field. Man those were the days.

But it’s the times when you don’t score that you start to feel panicky and agitated. I remember on some occasions going for a test knowing that I missed the goal earlier and I was done for. And sometimes it gets to you and like wise, I failed that particular paper.

I cannot say I am a superstitious person but I do believe that god gives us each a different sign to warn us or praise us. Not that I play that game anymore, let’s just say there hasn’t been a need for it since completing my polytechnic diploma.

So till my next post ya, its bye from Ganz.


Blogger MC said... don't need this little game of yours. Believe in yourself, I believe in you. Wei, so how many things have you broken in the midst of perfecting this little game of yours?

God is a great thing, I get hints from him at times too. Cheers...

1/05/2006 2:20 am

Blogger Ganz said...

wow, that's an encouraging thought.

I only broke a few things, nothing serious though. Expect maybe perhaps for that one time I broke the ceiling light in my hall. HaHa

1/05/2006 10:43 pm


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