Monday, February 21, 2005


GOD's Unfathomable Motives.

I heard call. I turn around and saw a lady who asked me, of all people, to follow her to pray to Buddha. Yes this was what preciously happened last Sunday evening as I was on my way to Causeway Point to buy home KFC for my family members.

Actually it was my grandmother who suddenly asked me to buy her KFC. So being the good grandson I set off to buy my dear granny those Fried Chickens. But on the way there I met a stranger who asked me, of all people who were present there, to follow her to pray to Buddha.

I was dumbfounded for a moment because nobody as ever asked me to follow them to pray to Buddha. I found it strange because I haven’t been answering to my gods as of late and wondered if god was using this person to remind me of him.

As far as confessions go, I have stopped praying to my family deities in my prayer room because I have nothing to ask of god. I feel I am being selfish if I asked him anything. Because I believed that god gave us everything we need and we must make the most of it. That is why I place more belief in my own abilities than waiting for god to help me.

Faith is always good, but one must also have faith in his or her own self because in the end it is you who are here and are making the difference in your own life.
And also another ludicrous idea crept into my mind; maybe god has just saved me from a disaster. Whatever the case, this coincidence was just too peculiar.

Like I always say we sometimes tend to overcomplicate simple things with our intelligence. That is why intelligence fails when we are faced with a simple conception.

Like in this case I am throwing possible scenarios of why the woman asked me to follow her to pray to Buddha. Though it is still possible that she chose me out of a random and simply asked me.

But maybe just maybe, god had other plans in mind for me.

So till my next post ya, its bye from Ganz.


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