Monday, August 09, 2004


39th Years of Independence.

Today is Singapore’s 39th National day. I wish all Singaporeans and Singaporeans at heart a Happy National Day.

But I would rather wish people to stop terrorism and get on with their lives.

After all, nations were created to control mass populations. If you let patriotism get to you, than you are going to get a bunch of national fanatics who will do anything to protect their freedom.

The only think I don’t get it is how come each of us thinks his or her freedom is more valuable. Every man, woman and child in every corner of the world deserves the right to express their freedom.

It is we who divide ourselves with nations, religion and caste. We have now branded ourselves as different breeds of humanity rather than uniting to create a utopia full of scientific advancements.

Though I doubt this would ever be possible. But the notion of such collaboration will not only be our saving grace but will be the mankind’s ultimate achievement. Well my ideals always sound too good to be true and it is.

The only thing I look forward to every National day is not the dumb parade or the fanciful dresses but the fireworks display. It’s when my Singapore Government decides that it is okay to take tax payers’ money and blow them in the sky.

So till my next post ya, its bye from Ganz.


Blogger Jeffery Leong said...

Well, it is not about all the differences. It is about how humans like to fixed themselves onto "categories".

Sadly, it is all part of natural selection and evolution.

Maybe millions of years later, Chinese may eveolve into some sort of another creature. Well, we may never know.

Homo sapien-sapien may be split into other different species again. lolx.

8/10/2004 1:54 pm


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