Monday, March 26, 2007

Primary Relationships

I was thinking about the possible future where our internet relationships become our primary relationships.

Already, I have dear friends with whom I interact solely through the internet. I don’t find my feelings diminished by the medium. But, I look forward to seeing those friends in person and I wouldn’t want to have less physical contact with the friends I can get together with.

I’m a traditionalist. I like the weight of a real book in my hands then reading a PDF. Touching is good. It's just not the same when we chat on messenger. I do remember life before the internet. It was way more fun than this.

What if some horrible circumstance made physical contact taboo? What if disease or environment created a need for physical isolation? Before this things happen, I think it might be a good idea to meet up with our friends just to take one last good look at them.

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