Monday, February 12, 2007

Not Quite My Birthday

In which the author is waiting for his presents and wishes.

I'm doing a spit-and-polish on my blog (very odd, reading and fixing a three year old blog), so I shall not tarry here. I'll just point out that tomorrow, the thirteenth of February, is this my 24th birthday.

And that I have not gotten any presents and wishes so far. But I guess I have to wait until tomorrow.

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Blogger Mohd Latiff Rahim said...

Happy 24th, Ganz.

What is to become of your 2 months' worth of posts?

2/12/2007 5:07 pm

Blogger Ganz said...


It's all gone. But I am going to reconstruct them with my memory.

2/12/2007 8:11 pm


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