Friday, February 23, 2007

Being Tidy

In which this blog misleads its visitors by giving them a preconceived notion that the author is a very organized person.

The picture you see below shatters any preconceived notion you might have had of my tidiness. I am as messy as the hair on my head.

This is how my workspace looks like on a good day. Trust me you wouldn't want to see the rest it. I know, I wouldn't.

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Blogger Mohd Latiff Rahim said...

Hey what Dell laptop model is that?

I just ordered for myself a Dell XPS M1210:-

Can't wait for 300!

2/24/2007 9:09 am

Blogger Ganz said...

It's the Inspiron 9300. A 17" mammoth beast. And it ain't a laptop. It's more like table-space-eating-monster- machine. HaHa.

Took a look at your link. Is the 12" okay for you?

And Yes I Can't wait for 300 too. This Show Will Rock Our Socks Off.

2/24/2007 11:39 am


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