Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Normal Academic Stream

Fate played a part.

There was a discussion among my army colleagues in the store. They talked about everything and eventually found themselves comparing their PSLE results.

I overheard them and was surprised that everyone scored more than 210 points for their PSLE and went on the Express Stream. I only managed to score 186 points for my PSLE and went to the Normal Academic Stream.

I am not ashamed of my results. I got what I deserved. But had I scored better, I would have finished my Secondary School in four years and gone on to the Polytechnic a year earlier. If I had taken this path, things might have been a lot different today. And besides I would have never met my wonderful friends from the Polytechnic and Secondary School.

Education is about learning and not about scoring high marks in tests by preparing oneself by doing past year papers. At the end of the day it’s really not about your education but how one uses his or her education.

Some people I knew in secondary school looked down on my friends and me because they were in express stream and thought of the Normal Academic and Normal technical stream as inferior to them.

Well I can’t change people’s mentality and they are entitled to believe in whatever they want to believe. All I know that fate played a part and I am really proud to be from the Normal Academic stream.

There is a beautiful quote from a Tamil movie, Gentleman, I would like to share that goes something like this. ‘It’s not about how one reaches his destination but it about where he is destined to reach.’

So till my next post ya, its bye from Ganz.


Blogger MC said...

Hey Bro,
No worries, you scored higher than me. I only scored 181 for PSLE and got really upset, but I got to meet wonderful friends along the way.
I was in a really good school, and some teachers looked down at NA stream students as well, but heck it, my class of NA is with multi-talented people who eventually scored better in Os then the Express stream.
And furthermore, When everyone graduates, its a whole new ball game when you enters a new environment, everyone starts sort of even again.

3/29/2006 12:49 pm

Blogger Ganz said...

Yeah, u are so right. It’s a whole new ball game.

I even remember my maths teacher cursing my class that we would fail maths in the O levels but instead my class scored better than her own form class, that’s NA for her.

Hey atleast I got to meet u. I wouldn’t have given up that chance for anything.

If either of us scored a bit better we might not known each other. Haha. But I think fate decided we were destined to meet.

Just to share, when I scored 186 I was so depressed I even thought of committing suicide. Luckily I come to my senses. Haha


3/29/2006 7:16 pm

Blogger MC said...

Haha, yah, fate has a way for everyone in life. I believe a lot in fate. Many things are fated for a reason. Not only met me lah, meet alot of other people as well what. Please lei. hahaha..Best buddies..

I guess you are super upset with your score then, even thought of committing suicide. Thats bad.


3/30/2006 8:58 am

Blogger MC said...

Hey, by the way, I really hate your word verification. It makes both my eyes go in the middle. hahahaha.. Whats the purpose anyway?

3/30/2006 8:59 am

Blogger Ganz said...

Yes I met many people but they were not as funny and entertaining as you leh. Haha. Besides you are the only one has been commenting on my blog on a regular basis. So I need to speak in praise of my buddy so that she will continue to comment on my blog.

And I am apologize for the word verification service that is making you cross eyed. I have to take this drastic measure because I am sick of receiving comments that tell me that I need Viagra to boost my sexual drive.


3/30/2006 7:34 pm

Blogger MC said...

hahahahaha...serious? hahaha.. Got such comments. hahaha...
I'm just an entertainer, that's how I would put myself. If ever one day I go out and be real quiet, people might think I'm sick, or moody or weird?

Oh well, whatever...

Moody me signing off..

3/30/2006 11:24 pm

Blogger Ganz said...

Yeah, if you were quiet everyone would think you are sick.

But the fact is YOU ARE SICK! Haha

no matter, it nice to hear someone else's voice on this here blog other than mine. You here that people. I said I would like to hear your voices.

So comment!

3/31/2006 12:45 am

Blogger MC said...


They say, those who are SICK only make friends with people who are SICKER.


4/01/2006 1:07 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are Commenting, We are commenting...

4/01/2006 1:07 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there,

I think you are sexy, and I'm commenting, Happy April's Fool sansan...

4/01/2006 1:08 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there, I think you've got alot of posts for this enty, do you stil want more entires of comments?


4/01/2006 1:09 am

Blogger Ganz said...

Thanks guys. I am surprised you guys actually replied to my grumbles. Well I was beginning to get lonely. Haha. Now if only I could manipulate these people to comment on my other posts and some how find a way to secretly make money off them. That would be great.

BTW I am sexy. Where else can you find a tall, dark, handsome, hairy, lovable, boy by the name of Ganz. And this is no April fool joke people. It’s true, oh it’s damn true.

And Mitch I am not sick. Maybe just a little but not as sick as you. lol. To see who is truly the sicko you need only to look into a mirror. Hehe.


4/01/2006 2:10 am

Blogger MC said...

I can't look into the mirror, it will crack when I look inside. haha..

About you being sexy... only got 3 words . . . o o o 0 0 0

4/03/2006 9:04 am

Blogger Ganz said...

Pretty woman walking down the street, Pretty woman.

Hey pretty woman, no mirror will ever crack on u.

Maybe it would on me because I am too sexy for the mirror.

Haha anyway I am not joking about you Mitch being pretty.


4/03/2006 6:50 pm


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