Friday, June 03, 2005

A Guide to Happy Freelancing

10 steps to Happy Freelancing your teachers failed to mention when you were at school.

1) Planning PR and Pitching
Who are you going to be working for next year? Make sure you’re constantly attracting new clients

2) Develop a thick skin
Knock backs and criticism are inevitable, and people won’t look twice at those that can’t take it.

3) Keep up personal work
Your skills and your personal approach are your main strengths, so do whatever you can to hone them.

4) Perfect every project
Employees can get away with odd sloppy jobs, but no-one will rehire a freelance who has let them down.

5) Invest in relationships
You don’t have to be best buddies with the people that hire you, but being friendly is vital

6) Legal and aware
You need to know all there is to know about the legal boundaries of freelancing esp. if you are using other resources not provided by your clients.

7) Build an online portfolio
It’s easy and its effective - update it regularly, and make sure all your contact information are there too.

8) Keep being inspired
Take courses, go to exhibitions, play games, browse the net to see what’s new, just make sure you don’t ever go stale.

9) Control your budget
You won’t be paid regularly - so you have to force your finances into order, and that means holding back on certain purchases.

10) Enjoy your freedom
Do whatever you want with the time.

So till my next post ya, its bye from Ganz.


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